About Elemental Grounds

Incorporating the elements of nature ensures our continued success at designing and implementing beautiful outdoor areas for homes and grounds of any size. Observing the sun’s heat and light, water quality, supply and availability, the earth’s soil quality, and the air’s natural ability to transfer seed to soil is of utmost importance to us. Our staff uses all of these elements to design landscapes and gardens that work with nature and the natural beauty of your home. Working with your budget, Elemental Grounds will deliver elegance and style to your complete satisfaction.

Through direct, professional supervision, our experts oversee all facets of construction, from initial design to final cleanup. Working closely with every customer, we are always accessible to ensure your complete satisfaction.


To learn how Elemental Grounds can transform your outdoor living areas.
Call us today at 845-206-1054.

Elemental Grounds services the Lower Hudson Valley including: Rockland County, Orange County, Westchester County, as well as Northern New Jersey

Email us! We look forward to hearing from you!